S&A Project: Diesel Generator Refilling in Escourt

Load shedding, while easily managed when a business has a generator, can often cause major issues for South African businesses. Although, merely having a generator doesn’t mean a company’s load shedding woes are solved. We’ve seen many instances where a generator has been run for hours on end unsupervised, only to end up running out of fuel and becoming severely damaged. Refilling a generator before the fuel tank runs out is very important, which is why we are often called out to refill our clients’ generators. On 13 November 2019 we were called out to a client in Escourt who urgently needed a diesel generator refilling. Find out more about this project below:

The Problem

Due to long spells of load shedding occurring regularly in Escourt, KwaZulu-Natal, our client was running their generator almost throughout the day, every day. What other option do you have as a business owner when the lights go out? Due to the long periods of operation, the generator’s diesel tank quickly depleted. Since larger generators have very big fuel tanks, it’s difficult for business owners to source the amount of diesel needed to fill them. That’s where diesel generator specialists like us come in.

An image respresenting S&A Project: Diesel Generator Refilling in Escourt

An S&A Generators diesel fuel tank at the back of one of our vehicles.

The Solution

S&A Generators answered the call, and immediately dispatched Blessing, our generator refill specialist, to the client in Escourt. He made sure that his tank had enough fuel for the diesel generator refill, and that the pump was operational, before hitting the road. Blessing noticed when arriving at the client’s premises that the generator was almost completely out of fuel.

diesel generator refilling - assessing the level of diesel in the diesel tank

The lid is opened so that the generator refiller can access the pump and assess the meter.

The first step in the diesel generator refilling process is to position the S&A Generators vehicle so that it is close enough to the generator for the pump to reach. Then, the pump’s pipe is pushed through a window and extended to the generator. Now the refilling process can begin!

diesel generator refilling - running diesel pump out of window

Blessing is running the pump and the pipe out of the vehicle’s window so that he can reach the generator.

This generator refill took a total of two hours, as the generator’s fuel tank was of a high capacity. Once the tank was filled up, all that was left to do was to ensure that the generator was set to auto and wish the satisfied client farewell.

diesel generator refilling - diesel pump meter

Here the diesel pump’s meter displays how much fuel is left and ready for use in refilling jobs.